helllllo thomas, this is sarah on your snazzzzy keyboars, which is actually really hard to use. hahahahhah bare love for this man, sarah likey ;D im going to sit here all evening, just for you and your special keyboard, hahahha omg i actually love it. LOVE LOVE LOVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE OMG THERE A LIGHHHHHHT! :D:D:D:D bst thing everrrr. WHAT AN AWESOME SPECIMEN OF TECHNOLOGY. i want one, you have to get me one. omgggggg USB ports, it just gets cooler and cooler and coooooooler. i think this is a very effective use of my time, and your room space. and i am sure you will agreeeee, because you have missed me so much ;D no need to disagreeee man. hahahahha dudeeee i love this. :O<3 get me one...several...thousand. PLEASE. i neeeeeeeeed one. i am rather amused by this, awesome thingymabobbbbbyjigggybobby. get on with tidying your room and leave me to it. hahahah your small pathetic little room ;] you know you love it though, because its right near mine ;D and i know you have missed me lots like. BARE MISSAGGGGGGGGE. go away. move. your big head is distracting me. go. walk out the door, just turn around now, youre not welcome anymore. JOKE. ahahah im funnny me.sure ;] you keeeeeep saying that, make yourself feel better. YAY. im back in businessss :D you have left the roooom, i can now type to my hearts content, pressing each key is like a little bundle of love. a BIG bundle of love. ahahhahah im so amazzzzzed, its so lovely and thin, and like oh my godd it has a light. a light. cannot get over the fact that your keyboard has such a thing. not that im jealous. oh yay, youre back. ohhh wait never mind ;D i could actually sit here all night, tap tap tappping away. shush. yes it is, dont ever doubt the thing, it is amazing and perfect in every way, apart from the fact it doesnt belong to me. stop reading it foo', youre ruining the surprise :( hehehehehehe MOOOOOSE. bare lolz man. im not that bothered about your seat, its all about the keyboardddd! we must name the lovely little thing, as i like to name my things. stop making me jealous :( WELL YOU DONT HAVEONE EITHER SO AHAHAHHAH. thats not funnnnny, omg i love it. all you need is love dodododoooo. ITS NEARLY THAT SPECIAL DAY, YOURE FAVOURITIST DAY EVER. jokez. i am a badman gangster lyk, brap. just brapping on myyyyy on this lovely keyboard (L) (love heart) ahahhahahahahahhahhahahha youre a funnny being you man. sitting on your bed, twidddddling your digits.(fingers) LOLAGGGGE, ich bin herrrre. i dont know what that means but hey ho. NOBBBBBLES ON DA CEILIN', do you remember dat dude, we were coooool once yano. i am going to fill this whole page, whether you like it or not. which you will, you will love it with every ounce of your being. and no, i dont care if that doesnt make sense. loveaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaage, get me one? PWERLEASE. for your birthday? ;D im typing like a spudddd, and you love it. YOU WILL LOVE IT. you must save this and keeeeep it forever, and read it allll night long, and then all day, and then all night again ;D you must send it to all your bestest friends. so then they will all know how much of an awesome person you are. im quite offended that you think this is all meaningless, which gives me more reason to continue. SO NOW IM GOING TO WRITE BARE LOADZ MAN. BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARE. vast meaningless pooo. snorrrrrrrrt. you know you love my snorting ;] you should be lucky youre not my frend, they get this all the time. we will have to become bestiest friends and then you can have me talking to you like this alllll night long. we could discuss wonderous things. sheeps for instance. dont they just amaze you? incredible little fluffy things, who manage to produce such cretive noises. BAAAAA. you will never be able to baaaa like them, never. even as awesome as you are at moooing, you will never compare. and you will certianly never win. i think i would be good at giving pep talks dont you think? i am incredibly suppppportive, JOKE. ahahhaa im such a chav man, ive missed you calling me a chav! honnnnest. HAHAHHAHAHAHAHA. im in such a spifffffing mood. oh my god. do ya remembbbbber our fambam on simmmmies. and youre back in the building. no. you have had lots of time with mr keyboard over here, and we are only just acquaintinces. i feeel we really need to get to know each other, so we can have a lovely strong bond. then he will chooooose me over you, and we will all live happily ever after. apart from you ;D since you are being an utter moooooose, you are making me end this amazing thing. so, on this mooooosey note, i bid you farewell. TTFN. HAHHAHAHHA. loveage for you and keyboardage. only because you bring the keyboard though. PEACE :-)<3