client.ShetClientProtocol Class Reference

Inherits shet::ShetProtocol.

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

def connectionMade
 Set up the connection - initialise all properties, events etc.
def connectionLost
 Called on disconnect.
def send_mkprop
def send_rmprop
def send_get
def send_set
def send_mkevent
def send_rmevent
def send_raise
def send_watch
def send_ignore
def send_mkaction
def send_rmaction
def send_call
def cmd_getprop
def cmd_setprop
def cmd_event
def cmd_eventdeleted
def cmd_docall

Member Function Documentation

def client.ShetClientProtocol.connectionLost (   self,

Called on disconnect.

def client.ShetClientProtocol.connectionMade (   self  ) 

Set up the connection - initialise all properties, events etc.

and send all queued items.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
 All Classes Functions
Generated on Mon Jun 14 01:43:57 2010 by  doxygen 1.6.3